Took a day long boat ride up and down Lake Como. At first I was nonplussed on the lake... from the southern end at the city of Lake Como, its pretty but not spectacular. However, as you make your way north, it starts to get spectacular, as you can see.
The farther north you go, the more dramatic the mountains in the background. The northern tip is spitting distance from Switzerland and the Alps.
Hotels and villas line the lake... here is a hotel with a pool. The lake itself is rarely used for swimming....... too murky.
" After lunch they were both overwhelmed by the sudden flatness that comes over American travellers in quiet foreign places. No stimuli worked upon them, no voices called them from without, no fragments of their own thoughts came from the minds of others, and missing the clamour of Empire they felt that life was not continuing here. "
I think it hit on part of the reason I came on this journey... not to be entertained like a child by tourist-focused Europeans. Another great modern author, Rick Steves, hit the same point.
"If your trip is low on magic moments, kick yourself and make things happen. Seek the truth. Give a culture the benefit of your open mind."
Pretty pretty Veronna.
Lots of watercraft and kiteflying.
This is how close I got to the hot tub that Kirsten and Karin and George and I will share someday. His land is the forested part of the end of that point in the middle distance. What do you say, is this the pic I submit to the San Jose Merc travel section?
This is the real live town of Bellagio.....look anything like the casino? Its very fancy pants.
On the way back to town, stopped by a very stirring memorial against Facism. It had quotes from people all over Europe, this one especially resonated with me.
" My death will testify that an intense love of life is not incompatible with the acceptance of a necessary death". Marguerite Berveets, School teacher and poet, decapitated 9.8.1944, Belgium

Evening sun on the spire of the town's cathedral.
1 comment:
Wow! I go check an old e-mail account and suddenly find out that Nancy is living my dream --- taking a year off to travel the world...AND becoming a travel writer. Nancy, I am so happy for you!!!! Plus, you get to have George with you at all that sexy or what?????? The blog is a great read, I made it my home page at you've got some real expectations to live up to!!!! Love ya! Jane
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